CA, Inc. has unveiled the latest version of its enterprise risk and compliance management solution, CA GRC Manager 2.0. The new version is designed to help organizations improve their Risk IQ—the level of visibility and insight into enterprise risk—by implementing a common risk-management framework, and then facilitating risk identification, assessment, and mitigation across the entire organization.

Select new features of CA GRC Manager 2.0 include:

• A common risk-management framework, designed to provide consistent and uniform risk identification and terminology, risk assessment processes, and the development of specific risk metrics. This framework facilitates improved alignment with overall corporate strategy and business objectives, and supports efforts to plan, assess, monitor, and respond to risks.

• Support for comprehensive and consistent risk identification, including a large library of enterprise risks, risk templates, and aggregation. The Risk Library, including more than 200 pre-configured risk types, helps facilitate consistent risk identification, and provides a unified structure and mechanism to aggregate and report results at the Board and executive levels.

• Enhanced support for risk assessments, including customizable automated workflow processes to allow assessments to be done more easily by people who have access to the best (most accurate and timely) information related to each risk. Comprehensive risk metrics are also designed to enable improved quantification of operational risks. Risk assessment and control evaluations for multiple contexts (business objective, process, asset, business unit, etc.) are designed to allow the impacts of individual risks to be more easily determined. This capability improves the quality of risk information and improves oversight of enterprise operational risk.

• New dashboards for improved risk analysis and reporting, such as a Risk Review option allowing a streamlined view for senior executives, and a Risk Watch List, showing only the most critical risks for the organization.