Network Frontiers, a provider of IT regulatory compliance management, has released version 2.1 of its Unified Compliance Framework (UCF), in addition to the latest quarterly content update. UCF enables companies to unify the silos of compliance and governance efforts that result in operational inefficiencies and higher auditing costs, centralizing a comprehensive compliance program and a common language across the entire organization.

"We have greatly expanded the amount of configuration data in the UCF to allow both our software development partners and our corporate customers to connect everything, from the regulatory control requirement to every piece of hardware and software under regulatory management,” Craig Isaacs, CEO of Network Frontiers, said a prepared statement.

New tables in UCF 2.1 allow the the firm's software developer partners to more quickly and easily create solutions that provide the big picture view of legislative requirements and allow their customers to drill-down from laws through layers of assets to a single machine’s configuration, including audit requirements.

The new tables, which link back to the original control in the regulation, include:





Configuration Items; and

Configuration Methods.

The UCF harmonizes IT controls from over 400 international regulatory requirements, standards and guidelines, and is updated quarterly. Network Frontiers' unique methodology transforms this massive compilation of data into a single set of straightforward requirements that clearly show the many points where multiple regulations overlap, enabling businesses to quickly create a customized set of controls that fully leverage their existing compliance policies, processes and tools.