Network Frontiers, a provider of IT Compliance mapping and creators of the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF), and LockPath, a GRC applications provider, have jointly released the first online Compliance Dictionary, drawing on methodology developed over nearly a decade of supporting IT best practices.

Other glossaries associated with specific compliance regulations utilize their own definitions and terminology, adding to the confusion, cost, and wasted time associated with managing compliance. Network Frontiers' UCF standardizes and unifies compliance terms and governance requirements from hundreds of authority documents containing thousands of controls, clearly defines configuration items and configuration methods, and can be actively used to map citations to controls.

The UCF maps IT controls from more than 400 international regulatory requirements, standards and guidelines and is updated quarterly. Network Frontier's unique methodology transforms this massive compilation of data into a single set of straightforward requirements that clearly show the many points where multiple regulations overlap, enabling businesses to quickly create a customized set of controls that fully leverage their existing compliance policies, processes, and tools.