The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has named Sumara Thompson-King as general counsel. She assumed the top role in NASA's legal office June 1, following the retirement of Michael Wholley, who had served as general counsel since June 2004.

Thompson-King previously served as deputy general counsel in NASA's Office of the General Counsel, which provides functional leadership regarding legal services and issues related to all aspects of NASA activities. In that role, she was responsible for oversight of substantive legal advice and assistance. She also provided advice and assistance to NASA senior management. Prior to her appointment to deputy general counsel, Thompson-King served as the associate general counsel for contracts, procurement and acquisition integrity practice group.

Thompson-King began her NASA career in 1986 when she joined the Office of Chief Counsel at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. In 1991, she moved to NASA Headquarters to become a senior attorney responsible for litigating protests before the General Services Administration board of contract appeals, and in 1995 she became the deputy associate general counsel, contracts.