I'm not really sure what to make of this, but I am sure that it is pretty awesome.

I visit the SEC website quite often. I'm usually able to navigate on over to www.sec.gov without too much difficulty, but today I accidentally typed in www.sec.com. And that was when I discovered Brendan Reilly.

Head on over to www.sec.com and you will see what I mean. There you will--somehow--find yourself on the LinkedIn page of Mr. Reilly, a "Trader and Financial Modeler and Candidate for CFA Level 2" who was previously an associate with JP Morgan. I was surprised enough to be looking at this LinkedIn page that I tried visiting www.sec.com in different browsers and even on a different computer but each time I tried I was greeted by Mr. Reilly's chuckling photo.

So to Brendan Reilly, I say nice to meet you, congrats on having the foresight to register www.sec.com back in 1991, and good luck on CFA Level 2!