Mitratech, a collaborative accountability applications provider, has released TeamConnect Legal 3.2 with expanded e-Billing and spend management capabilities. The new release’s collaborative budgeting tools help speed the financial planning process. Its shadow invoices capture details on outside counsel work products purchased through Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFA) with the ability to measure AFA effectiveness as well as outside counsel performance.

New "Budget Collaboration" tools improve communication, increase efficiency, and streamline the budgeting process, providing a workspace for in-house and outside counsel to collaborate during the budget planning process with an audit trail of activities. The tools also enable corporate counsel to measure outside counsel’s budgeting accuracy and long-term performance against budgets.

In addition, the "Shadow Invoices' feature provides in-house counsel visibility into the substance of the work performed by outside counsel and the associated value received. The in-house team can now measure performance against spend in order to evaluate the effectiveness of their alternative arrangements.

TeamConnect Legal 3.2 runs on a variety of client-side browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome. While TeamConnect Legal is a comprehensive platform, modules addressing key legal functions, such as e-Billing and spend management, are also available as standalone solutions. For the e-Billing module, Mitratech offers an online ROI calculator to help organizations understand the savings they can realize by migrating from paper-based to e-billing.