The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, a non-profit standard-setting body established in 2011 that develops sustainability accounting standards for publicly-listed U.S. corporations, has appointed Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York City, and Mary Schapiro, former SEC chairman, as chair and vice chair, respectively, of SASB's board of directors.

Robert Eccles, Harvard Business School professor and SASB's first board chairman, will continue to serve on the SASB board with a special focus on harmonization with other sustainability and integrated reporting organizations. 

SASB is working with industry and financial leaders to develop industry-specific standards to help companies disclose material sustainability issues. Doing so will dramatically increase the availability and utility of this information for companies, investors, regulators, and the public.

SASB also announced the appointment of new board member Shawn Lytle, head of Americas at UBS Global Asset Management.

Returning board members include:

Bob Eccles, professor of management practice, Harvard Business School;

Jack Ehnes, CEO, CalSTRs;

Steve Gunders, former partner of Deloitte & Touche;

Dan Hanson, portfolio manager, Jarislowsky Fraser USA;

Erika Karp, CEO, Cornerstone Capital;

Peter Knight, co-founder of Generation Investment Management; 

Suz Mac Cormac, partner  of law firm Morrison & Foerster;

Clara Miller, president, The F.B. Heron Foundation;

Catherine Odelbo, executive vice president of corporate strategy and partnerships, Morningstar;

Aulana Peters, former partner with law firm Dunn & Crutcher;

Jean Rogers, founder and CEO, SASB;

Elisse Walter, former SEC Chairman; and 

Ted White, managing partner, Fahr.