Management Dynamics, a provider of Global Trade Management solutions, announced the release of Trade Wizards 10.0, a Web-based portal to trade content from 122 countries that facilitates the research of complex trade questions. The new release makes it easier for companies to classify products, calculate landed costs, and perform document determination at the Harmonized Schedule level.

New key features available on Trade Wizards 10.0 include:

New Classification Workflow - Perform complex searches that include the tariff number and either a legal or common term to quickly find relevant classifications. Also, searches may be defined with complete Boolean logic and search results are displayed in a tree format to simplify the navigation to a classification.

Landed Cost Calculator Scenarios - Build landed cost scenarios with multiple origin countries to quickly identify the minimum landed costs with respect to product invoice, duty, VAT, excise, other governmental charges, transportation, and insurance.

Restricted Party Screening - Screen with an improved screening engine and access to Management Dynamics’ coverage of 94 restricted-party lists offering the highest level of compliance with the lowest rate of false positives.

Document Determination - Determine the documents required for exporting and importing based on country of export, country of import, and HS number. Results returned include hundreds of documents required for exports, imports, preferential agreements, and product specific documents based on the HS number provided.

Trade Wizards 10.0 functionality is available in a highly intuitive user experience with online help that can be used immediately with no user training.