The New York Stock Exchange has announced several management promotions. They are as follows:

James Draddy, chief regulatory officer of NYSE Arca, has been promoted to executive vice president. Draddy has overall responsibility for overseeing and directing the regulation of equities and options trading on NYSE Arca, including exchange traded funds, exchange traded notes, and index-linked notes. In addition, he recently assumed responsibility for regulation of NYSE Amex Options.

Peter Bijesse has been promoted to vice president. Bijesse is responsible for supervising regulation of NYSE Arca’s trading floor in San Francisco and recently assumed responsibility for overseeing NYSE Amex Options trading floor regulation. He was also instrumental in managing the upcoming transition of options trading from the Amex to the NYSE floor.

Carol Hoover has been promoted to vice president. Carol’s team is responsible for oversight of NYSE listed companies’ compliance with corporate governance standards as well as for performing regulatory background reviews of listed companies. She has also played a key role in the development of internal systems to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Listing Compliance program.

Aleksandra Radakovic has been promoted to vice president. During the past year, Radakovic has been leading the Trading Examination and Special Reviews Unit within Equities Market Surveillance, and recently assumed responsibility for the NYSE and Amex equities manipulation surveillance program.