LockPath, a provider of governance, risk and compliance applications, has announced the release of Version 2.0 of its Keylight platform. The most significant enhancement is the introduction of the Dynamic Content Framework (DCF), which provides LockPath customers with the unique ability to define and configure pertinent data elements across their GRC program to achieve an unmatched level of integration. 

In addition, Keylight 2.0 offers an advanced workflow engine, more comprehensive vendor management capabilities and new applications for risk and incident management. Keylight 2.0's new Dynamic Content Framework gives users the ability to create an unlimited number of custom tables and content categories, as well as data elements and fields per table, through simple point-and-click configuration.

Users now have a powerful, simple way to create actionable GRC reports on a wide range of activities as they can perform real-time reporting against custom tables and fields, or create multi-tabbed edit form layouts through a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. Adding another layer of control and security, users can now assign field-level access permissions or restrict record access based on user and group membership.

By leveraging the enhanced Keylight Workflow Engine across all LockPath applications, the DCF also provides unmatched modeling flexibility for various business and security processes. Keylight 2.0's new workflow engine features include:

Transitions: routing workflow items is no longer restricted to a linear progression, as transitions can be created between any two workflow stages within a workflow process to provide workflow users with more flexibility as they review the workflow items and give their approval before the items can enter a published state.

Owners: Specified users or groups of users can be designated as owners of a workflow process. Among other privileges, these owners have full control to view all items in a workflow process, regardless of which workflow stage the items are in.

Voting: Users can now vote on which stage a workflow item is to be sent by casting a "yea" or "nay" vote related to an item, with the results of the voting determining which stage a workflow item is transitioned to next.

Security: Users can set permissions for who can view and modify items as they move through the workflow process so that only specified users or groups of users have access to items in a specified workflow stage.

In addition, Keylight 2.0 provides LockPath customers with:

The ability to manage user accounts using LDAP to authenticate users against any LDAP-compliant directory server, such as Active Directory.

A streamlined approach to vendor management with the incorporation of Shared Assessments' tools into its Keylight platform.

The only platform with tightly integrated quarterly Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) updates, providing users with a simplified workflow interface to help them manage the daunting amount of controls that must be included in official governance and compliance documents.

Risk Manager, a new application empowering organizations to develop a company-wide risk management strategy that prioritizes risks and associated risk mitigation tasks and responsibilities.

Incident Manager, a new application providing customers secure, swift and consistent incident identification, investigation, reporting and resolution.