LockPath, a provider of innovative governance, risk and compliance (GRC) applications, has announced the launch of Business Continuity Manager (part of Keylight 2.4), the latest version of the company's  GRC platform, enables organizations to manage business continuity in a simple and effective way, empowering them to create unified business continuity strategies that will greatly minimize a disaster's operational impact.

From hurricanes to security breaches, companies of all sizes need to ensure their essential business functions remain available should disaster strike. Leveraging the flexibility of the Keylight platform, LockPath's Business Continuity Manager lets businesses painlessly create custom business continuity plans to prepare for the worst, manage the associated risks and minimize potential losses. Unlike traditional GRC tools, Business Continuity Manager provides common forms for business continuity right out of the box and lets customers use any standard web browser to quickly match Keylight to the company's distinct business continuity processes and needs.

“Our clients face a growing number of risks to their businesses and with profits and reputations at stake, they simply cannot afford to have a knee-jerk reaction,” said Chris Goodwin, CTO, LockPath. “With LockPath's Business Continuity Manager, organizations can put a comprehensive and customized plan in place and should disaster occur, can effortlessly pull together disparate resources and get to work on a swift recovery.”

Key Business Continuity Manager features:

Business Impact Analysis: Through detailed analysis, users can easily organize complex information, determine the impacts of a loss, and prioritize the recovery function of multiple business components

Business Continuity Plans: Users can leverage pre-built forms, workflows and notifications to quickly build a business continuity plan or create a fully customized plan down to individual fields, field types, field visibility and forms.

Teams and Contacts: The tool enables the appointment of a team leader, identification of a team of essential personnel, and definition of critical vendors so if a disaster occurs, users can immediately locate them and make contact.

Tabletop Exercises: To ensure a plan will be effective, Business Continuity Manager supports exercises to test a plan against a simulated situation and collect valuable information about its application.

Assessments: Users can launch business continuity plan assessments or tabletop exercises and create reports to gather valuable insight about the plan and its execution.

Workflow: Custom workflows allow a simplified review of plans and exercises by appropriate experts across the organization. Users can create a custom set of stages that the document will be routed through based on certain criteria.

Document Management: Users can easily export business continuity plan content with all supporting documents (Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Visio files) into one comprehensive Adobe PDF document.

Extensibility: Users can add look-up references to policies, controls and resources in other Keylight application records to enhance their organization's ability to proactively prepare for and react to events.

Other enhancements in Keylight 2.4 include significant expansions to the Dynamic Content Framework (DCF) Tables such as:

Detail View PDF Output:  Users can now consolidate and export the content within a DCF table record to a PDF document from the Detail View, containing a customizable cover sheet and a table of contents.

New Master/Detail Field: A new "master/detail" field type is now available that allows users to create a sub-record, referred to exclusively by the "parent" record within which the master/detail field is defined.

New Matrix Field: A new "matrix" field type is also available that allows users to create multiple columns and rows to configure the field with the desired number of cells in the field's matrix grid.