LockPath, a provider of governance, risk and compliance applications, announced that it has joined the Shared Assessments Program, a member-driven, industry-standard body that injects speed, efficiency and cost savings into the service provider control assessment process.

LockPath has incorporated Shared Assessments' tools—the Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire and the Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) reports—into its Keylight platform. The addition of this layer of standards will provide an even more streamlined approach to vendor management for LockPath customers, enabling them to more effectively manage their relationships with third-parties, including suppliers, vendors and business partners. 

LockPath's groundbreaking software pulls security information from multiple disparate data sources, and this unique capability enables it to leverage the Shared Assessments standards integration more effectively than traditional GRC vendors. Additionally, LockPath is the only GRC vendor to tightly integrate quarterly Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) updates into its Keylight platform, providing users with a simplified workflow interface to help them manage the daunting amount of controls that must be included in official governance and compliance documents. The powerful combination of UCF and Shared Assessments content harmonizes assessments and controls.