All Lease Accounting articles – Page 5

  • Blog

    Some plan to dig into leases in 2017, some not so much


    The latest poll on big accounting change says some companies are making plans to devote time in 2017 to the new requirements around lease accounting, according to Tammy Whitehouse.

  • Blog

    FASB plans pause before digging into big new rules


    After issuing some huge changes to accounting standards, FASB will keep the current work load or corporate accounting offices in mind before taking on big new projects.

  • Blog

    FASB offers views on lease accounting questions


    FASB is getting questions on how to apply the new leasing standard, so the board took the unusual step of offering some informal, high-level feedback. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

  • Blog

    Will new lease accounting lead to less leasing?


    Accounting experts are beginning to discuss whether companies might change their leasing strategies when they are required to add leases to balance sheets. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

  • Blog

    Big 4 polls say companies are stalled on big accounting changes


    More Big 4 surveys on big accounting changes suggest companies are starting to face a kind of paralysis over how to move forward and make it all work. On revenue recognition a recent KPMG poll suggests the vast majority of companies are still trying to digest how it will affect ...

  • Blog

    Companies sweat data details more than IT under new lease rules


    Preparers seem more concerned about how they will gather and manage the data they need to comply with new lease accounting rules than they are about new IT system needs, according to a recent Deloitte poll. Tammy Whitehouse has an in-depth look at the survey.

  • Article

    Accounting standards update brings lease contracts under the spotlight


    Image: After years of reports that entities would one day be required to reflect all of their lease obligations on the balance sheet, companies finally have a major new accounting standard to adopt that will bring all but the tiniest assets and liabilities arising from lease contracts onto corporate balance ...

  • LeaseSigning2

    FASB publishes final lease accounting standard


    Image: Marking another milestone in accounting history, the Financial Accounting Standards Board has published its final standard requiring all companies that lease any kind of asset—from real estate to heavy equipment to office copiers—to recognize leased property as an asset they have a right to use and a liability that ...

  • Blog

    With IASB Leasing Rule Final, FASB Calls on US Companies to Plan Adoption


    As the IASB has released its final leasing standard, FASB is now calling on U.S. companies to begin planning to adopt FASB’s incoming lease rules. The board is retaining an accounting model that contemplates two types of leases similar to the way they are categorized in GAAP currently; on the ...

  • Blog

    IASB Releases Final Lease Standard


    Image: The IASB has issued its long-awaited accounting standard requiring assets and liabilities associated with leases to be added to corporate balance sheets. Companies that follow International Financial Reporting Standards have until 2019 to adopt the standard. “It’s been a long road getting to this event,” says Sean Torr, a ...

  • Blog

    FASB Sets 2019 Effective Date on Lease Standard


    Image: FASB will issue its final leasing rule in 2016, effective 2019. IASB’s new leasing requirements will follow roughly the same timeline, although the boards still differ on how to reflect lease obligations in the income statement. “We believe that this new standard is important because it will provide investors, ...

  • Blog

    FASB, Congressman Dispute Lease Standard’s Economic Effect


    Image: FASB is pressing on with its planned fourth-quarter release of the final new accounting standard on leasing despite House Financial Services Committee member Brad Sherman’s (left) plea to FASB Chairman Russ Golden to consider analysis that says the standard will exact a heavy toll on the U.S. economy. Golden ...

  • Blog

    New Lease Accounting May Favor IFRS Filers


    Image: New standards on accounting for leases are likely to be more flattering to the bottom lines of companies that use international accounting standards rather than U.S. GAAP, the International Accounting Standards Board said recently. Beth Paul, a partner with PwC, said during a webcast that the key difference will ...