I recently discovered a new website called "myCorporateResource.com." MCR combs the websites of the top 100 American law firms to find new Client Alerts, which it estimates number approximately 10,000 per year. MCR says that it then "aggregates, reviews, sorts and summarizes this content -for free- to give you a really useful corporate resource."

Predictably, I honed in on the SEC enforcement, securities litigation, and white collar memos, and found that many were very timely and useful. Nick Montgomery, the editor of MCR, very kindly responded to my request that MCR provide RSS feeds of its "Securities Litigation" and "White Collar Defense & SEC Enforcement" categories of memos, and I will begin featuring feeds of these memos on Securities Docket shortly (you can see them below now).

MCR sorts law firm memos in roughly 80 different ways, including industry, professional role (Board members, C-level executives, accountants, ...), area of law, and geography (China, India, UK, ...), and has a special sections dedicated to Corporate Governance, the SEC, and the Credit Crisis.

Below are the feeds from my two favorite categories: "Securities Litigation" and "White Collar Defense & SEC Enforcement."




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Get the Law Firm Memos: White Collar & Sec. Enf. widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox!