Kroll Ontrack, a provider of information management, data recovery, and legal technology products and services, has announced the launch of Verve, a do-it-yourself, e-discovery software-as-a-service (SaaS). The new platform gives users the ability to upload data, select processing criteria, conduct early data assessment and review, and manage production in an intuitive, web-based interface.

As a remotely-hosted, self-service e-discovery platform, Verve has a subscription pricing model, providing predictable monthly discovery spending or an on-demand pricing model for project-by-project application.

The Verve platform capabilities and benefits offer users the ability to:

Quickly upload data. The Verve platform is available on-demand for any size case. A matter can be created in minutes by uploading data to the industry's most secure tier III data centers.

Easily select processing criteria. Users have the ability to identify custodians, determine filtering options and select output within an intuitive interface.

Effectively conduct Early Data Assessment. Users can conduct EDA to winnow a data set by 85 percent or more and sort data using the following tools: visual analytics, e-mail threading, topic grouping, concept searching, near duplicate detection, and near duplicate document comparison.

Efficiently review documents. Once users are ready for review, they can control the movement of data into the Verve review platform, Ontrack Inview. Within the review platform, users can leverage Intelligent Review Technology, which automates aspects of the document review process to increase review quality and efficiency.

The new platform builds on trends revealed in a recent Kroll online survey conducted by Harris Interactive. According to the survey findings, 86 percent of 200 attorneys—100 from Fortune 1000 corporations and 100 from medium- to large-sized law firms—in-source some aspect of e-discovery.

Respondents ranked ease of use; security and compatibility with existing platforms; highest over software reputation; installation time; and training as the most critical factors for purchasing in-house or in-firm e-discovery tools. Additionally, the survey found that 81 percent of corporations and law firms have plans to turn to cloud and SaaS-based platforms for e-discovery in the next two years.

For more information about the Verve platform visit