Kroll Ontrack has unveiled a new model for conducting e-discovery, and has issued a new suite of products, with the launch of

"With, Kroll Ontrack is transforming e-discovery from an art (something that is re-created with every project) to a science (something that is predictable, reliable and efficient, with higher quality results)," said Kroll Ontrack President and CEO Dean Hager.

Kroll Ontrack's new platform includes three products designed to work seamlessly together:

Ediscovery for Portfolio Management: With first-of-its-kind, intuitive functionality, both law firms and corporations can view and manage all of their e-discovery projects as a portfolio from any device. Through interactive dashboards that provide real-time metrics about e-discovery portfolio and project spend as well as data volumes, allows counsel to accurately forecast, identify trends and find opportunities for greater efficiency. Beyond a new level of e-discovery transparency, replaces the flood of emails and phone calls required to manage projects with one simple Project Wall, where teams can direct projects and see real-time status updates and progress. Review: Empowering reviewers to conduct early data assessment, analysis, review and production within a single tool, Review provides real-time insight into massive data volumes while also empowering customers to efficiently manage their storage volumes. E-discovery teams have the ability to choose their data formats and nearline unneeded data, which gives reviewers the flexibility they need to easily adapt to mid-process changes while controlling e-discovery costs at the same time. Powerful predictive coding technology is available at every stage of the process, ensuring review is efficient, accurate and cost-effective from beginning to end. Collect: Driven by Ontrack PowerControls, Collect is a proven Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint legal collection tool that saves valuable time and costs when identifying, preserving and collecting data for e-discovery. With intelligent search and simple drag and drop functionality, e-discovery teams can quickly and effectively search, identify and collect potentially responsive data, ensuring time-sensitive legal deadlines are met. Collect is available today. Review and for portfolio management are currently in limited availability with general availability planned for early 2014. For more information on these products, visit: