As discussed here, former Tyco International CEO Dennis Kozlowski's request for parole was approved earlier this month and he will be a free man beginning January 17, 2014. 

In his parole hearing last week, details emerged on Kozlowski's current career while he has been out on work-release: he has been working as a clerk at a software company since early 2012. DealBook reports that the company provides software that help veterans and ex-offenders find jobs. 

In addition, Kozlowski's parole hearing provided the latest public statement from the once-defiant Kozlowski acknowledging his misconduct and expressing regret. Kozlowski stated at his hearing that he "fell into what I can best describe as a C.E.O. bubble, and I rationalized that I was more valuable than I was. It was wrong, and I just — it was greed, pure and simple.” 

Kozlowski also admitted that he stole money by creating $150 million in unauthorized bonuses for himself and a colleague. According to Reuters, Kozlowski said at his hearing that he took the bonuses over a three or four year period and that more than $100 million of it went to a deferred income account, "where it sits to this day." At the time, Kozlowski said, he rationalized that he was not involved with the crime. In jail, however, he came to understand that "I stole money from Tyco, and I'm completely responsible for it.”