KOM Networks and its OEM partner, Hyland Software, announced the release of a seamless integration of KOMpliance with OnBase, Hyland’s enterprise content management software suite. Much of the value of the integration derives from how it combines the familiarity of OnBase with a standard file system interface. This provides the simplicity of direct address access, secure storage and file protection using a standard file system.

A secure archive storage solution for OnBase disk groups, KOMpliance is designed to secure, protect and enforce retention of electronic information, strengthen data security, and leverage existing storage infrastructure. This allows businesses large and small across all industries to meet the most stringent regulatory compliance requirements.

KOMpliance is available in a variety of configurations, is fully redundant, and can be scaled to meet a wide range of performance requirements and storage capacity demands. The integration is available with the release of OnBase 10, and requires minimal effort to implement. This integrated solution specifically addresses the customers’ budgetary constraints and compliance requirements to mitigate the risks of data loss, data corruption, accidental deletion, and viruses without impacting existing business process and workflow.

KOMpliance prohibits unauthorized access of retained data, protects files from being manipulated or deleted, and automatically enforces OnBase retention and destruction policies. The integration provides additional levels of security against both internal and external threats.