KOM Networks, a provider of storage management solutions for secure archiving compliant data protection and retention, announced the certification of KOMpliance with Symantec Enterprise Vault, the industry leader in email and content archiving.

This Technology Partnership enables Symantec Enterprise Vault customers and partners to deploy KOMpliance; a certified, unified secure archive storage solution, to manage the explosive storage requirements of emails and attachments from Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino; Microsoft SharePoint and other file-based systems common in today’s businesses without changing day-to-day operations.

KOMpliance is an off-the-shelf archive and storage solution that is platform and application agnostic to easily integrate into any existing infrastructure. It is designed to allow businesses, healthcare and financial organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies to easily meet the increasing requirements of highly regulated archiving and compliance needs without sacrificing their business requirements. KOMpliance provides everything that is needed to archive, protect and retain important data pre-installed, pre-configured and ready to add to any network.