KOM Networks, a provider of storage management solutions for secure archiving compliant data protection and retention, has announced the "Junk-A-Juke" program. Junk-A-Juke is a unique program that will collect and recycle obsolete and legacy storage equipment and donate all the generated funds from raw materials to Feed The Children, one of the largest international charities.

In exchange for the older equipment, KOM offers a new Dell Powered KOMpliance Archive with equal capacity and superior performance, a fully compliant enterprise class server and archive solution free-of-charge with a three-year maintenance agreement. KOMpliance is a plug-and-play archive solution that is platform and application agnostic to easily integrate into any existing infrastructure.

“When times are tough, businesses need to be more responsible in helping out where they can, so we tried to think about ways we could help," said Kamel Shaath, chief technology officer of KOM Networks. "There are still large numbers of obsolete archive and storage devices being used.” The free storage upgrade to KOMpliance aims to increase efficiency, protect data, and lower liability and risks, he said. In return, KOM said it will match the funds generated by the recycled hardware toward the goal of feeding one million children.

In addition, KOM has partnered with the Technology Conservation Group to pick up and track each piece of equipment through destruction to ensure that nothing ends up in a landfill. TCG is an ISO-registered recycler of electronic scrap and a member of the National Association for Information Destruction, a trade association providing the standards and ethics for the information destruction industry to ensure total compliant destruction of functional drives.