The Department of Justice collected $24.7 billion in civil and criminal actions in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder announced in a video released today by the agency.

That amount is “more than three times the $8 billion total the Department collected in 2013,” Holder said, “and it’s nearly eight and a half times the combined budgets of our 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and all of our main litigating divisions.”

According to Holder, the largest single source of collections during 2014 came from civil settlements to resolve financial fraud claims, including record penalties paid by JPMorgan and Citigroup.

“As in past years, collections from civil and criminal health care fraud penalties—including hundreds of millions of dollars in fines from pharmaceutical companies accused of fraud, false claims, and drug safety violations—were among the largest sources of recovered funds,” Holder added.

The full video may be seen here.