All articles by Joe Mont – Page 21

  • Yapchaicrop

    Kim Yapchai: The role model


    At Tenneco, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Kim Yapchai is building on years of experience to strengthen the company’s global compliance program.

  • Article

    Assessing Facebook’s many regulatory and compliance lessons


    After a hectic week of Congressional testimony, there is a better understanding of Facebook’s data protection woes. There is also plenty of fodder for regulatory and compliance debates.

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    Push for Volcker rule reforms gains momentum


    Since the day the Dodd-Frank Act was passed nearly a decade ago, the Volcker rule has been a burr under the saddle for Republicans. Now, their complaints are a lot closer to having a remedy, with plans to ease the rule’s burden on community banks.

  • Blog

    SEC commissioners argue for increase to monetary cap on Regulation A


    SEC Commissioners Michael Piwowar and Hester Peirce are breaking ranks with their peers over the monetary cap assigned to Regulation A exemptions. They want to boost the offering limit for the under-used exemption from $50 million to $75 million.

  • Blog

    SEC sets date to debate its own fiduciary duty rule


    After months of parsing through comment letters and collecting financial industry feedback, the SEC is ready to inject itself in the controversial effort to create a fiduciary duty regulation for broker-dealers and investment advisers. The Commission has scheduled an open meeting on Wednesday, April 18, to debate a potential rule ...

  • Blog

    DoJ: Seized Website was a hotbed of sex, trafficking, money laundering


    The Justice Department this week seized, an online forum for prostitution ads, including those related to child trafficking. Days later, President Trump signed into law a bill that carves away one-time legal protections for such sites.

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    Federal Reserve floats simplified capital rules and stress tests


    The Federal Reserve Board is seeking public comments on a proposal intended to simplify its capital rules for large banks and potentially loosen requirements for the stress tests administered to them.

  • Blog

    Williams named president and CEO of New York Fed


    John Williams, current chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, has been appointed to the same position at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He will replace current president William Dudley in June.

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    CFPB seeks public input on complaint collection


    Amid its current overhaul under new leadership, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking feedback on its process for logging consumer complaints.

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    AGs sue Trump Administration over Clean Air Act


    A coalition of attorneys general has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration  and the EPA for “ignoring its legal duty to control emissions of methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, from existing oil and gas operations.”

  • Blog

    Ellison questions HHS hire from CVS Caremark.


    Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) is asking Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar for an explanation of the decision to hire CVS Caremark Vice President Daniel Best to lead the agency’s drug pricing reform effort.

  • Article

    Corporate culture may be even more important now


    Smart strategies for influencing corporate culture include aligning incentives and recognizing that “tone at the top” needs to be supplemented by “tone at the bottom.”

  • manonmoney

    SEC takes a longer look at pre-IPO companies, Rule 701


    With more and more successful companies choosing to go public, the SEC is paying closer attention to how they issue employee stock options.

  • Blog

    New York pension fund will vote against boards with no women directors


    The New York State Common Retirement Fund, the third largest public pension fund in the United States, says it will vote against board directors standing for re-election at companies that have no women on their boards.

  • Blog

    Acting CFPB director wants a radical overhaul of the agency


    In the pages of the CFPB’s semi-annual report, Acting Director Mick Mulvaney included four recommendations for legislative changes to the agency. “The Bureau is far too powerful, with precious little oversight of its activities,” he said.

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    Treasury wants to ‘modernize’ Community Reinvestment Act


    The Treasury Department has announced recommendations for updating the Community Reinvestment Act. The stated goal “is to better align CRA activity with the needs of the communities that banks serve.”

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    Did some companies fudge their pay ratio disclosures?


    As the initial batch of disclosures to meet requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s pay ratio rule trickle in, activists are already flagging concerns that companies may be a bit too creative with their calculations.

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    Senators demand data use answers from Grindr


    In response to media reports that the LGBTQ dating app Grindr shared information about users’ HIV statuses with third parties, Senators Edward J. Markey and Richard Blumenthal are demanding answers about the company’s data practices.

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    EPA wants to revise, scale back automobile emissions standards


    The EPA is looking to backtrack from Obama-era fuel emission standards imposed upon auto manufacturers. Administrator Scott Pruitt announced a determination that the current standards “are not appropriate and should be revised.”

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    Trump's new tariffs could trigger trade war with China


    In response to what the White House views as China’s unfair trade practices, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has announced a list of products that could be subject to additional tariffs. China has countered with a list of its own.