All articles by Jaclyn Jaeger – Page 106

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    Resolving Compliance and HR Turf Wars


    Image: Compliance and HR have been tussling for years over which function owns company culture, when the truth is both have a crucial role to play. “If HR and compliance could come together and realize and accept that they’re on the same team … it could be a really powerful ...

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    Five Major Banks Agree to Parent-Level Guilty Pleas


    Five major banks—Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, The Royal Bank of Scotland, and UBS—last week agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to manipulate the price of U.S. dollars and euros exchanged in the foreign currency exchange (FX) spot market. The banks also agreed to pay criminal fines totaling more than $2.5 ...

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    Compliance Director Charged With Defrauding Investors


    The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday announced fraud charges against a former director of compliance of a registered broker-dealer who was accused of defrauding investors and stealing money from the brokerage firm where he worked. “We allege a classic situation of the fox guarding the henhouse as William Quigley subverted ...

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    The Real State of CCO Legal Liability


    A compliance mishap in a company can feel like a professional failure to chief compliance officers; a more urgent question is whether it might also bring professional liability. At Compliance Week 2015, enforcement officials with the SEC and Justice Department, as well as compliance professionals themselves, explored how CCOs can ...

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    Survey: CCOs Lack Confidence in FCPA Financial Controls


    Compliance officers do not have much confidence in their companies’ financial controls to catch books-and-records violations of the FCPA, according to a new report published by Compliance Week and Kroll. The finding was one of many included in the 2015 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Report, looking at all manner of anti-corruption ...

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    Deutsche Bank to Pay $55 Million for Misstating Financial Reports


    Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay a $55 million penalty to the SEC to resolve charges that it filed misstated financial reports, which failed to take into account a material risk for potential losses estimated to be in the billions of dollars, during the height of the financial crisis. Details ...

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    No Charges in HyperDynamics FCPA Case


    Oil and gas company HyperDynamics announced last week that the Department of Justice has decided not to file charges following the completion of its investigation into potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "We are extremely pleased to be informed that the DOJ has closed its inquiry into this ...

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    Second Citigroup Compliance Update Posted


    Ten months after Citigroup’s $7 billion settlement with the government to resolve investigations into the sale of sub-prime mortgages, the bank has published its second compliance progress report, which provides an update on consumer relief credit submitted for the monitor’s assessment; a description of outreach events Citi has conducted; and ...

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    Managing FCPA Audits on a Global Scale


    Enforcing anti-corruption policies among employees and third parties is one of the foremost concerns for compliance departments, but developing a robust process to assess and uncover bribery risks is not easy. At Compliance Week 2015, legal and audit executives with oil services giant Baker Hughes shared how they audit parties ...

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    Caldwell: What a Robust Compliance Program Looks Like


    During a keynote speech at the Compliance Week 2015 conference, Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell provided some insight on what a robust compliance function and strong internal investigations look like. “Overall, our message is really a simple one: we really expect that corporations will take compliance risks as seriously as ...

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    Hurry-Up Offense on Employee Surveillance


    Image: Surveillance of employee activity is nothing new in the financial services sector, but the financial crisis, the LIBOR scandal, and other misconduct are driving new demands for smarter, better surveillance. Inside, we look at some of the IT challenges to extracting better intelligence from your data. The goal is ...

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    Compliance Trends in 2015: More Authority, More IT Uncertainty


    Good news for compliance officers in existential crisis: A majority of CCOs are now part of the senior management teams at their businesses, and they have more authority than ever before. Those are two among many findings of the 2015 Compliance Trends Report, the annual survey of compliance leaders conducted ...

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    Study: CCOs Struggle to Navigate Anti-Bribery Risks


    A new report from Compliance Week and Kroll Advisory Solutions gauged the level of confidence chief compliance officers have in their companies’ financial controls to catch books-and-records violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; according to the study, only 48 percent felt confident. See inside for more study details.

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    State Street Anticipating Enforcement Action


    State Street disclosed in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week that it expects to become the subject of an enforcement action brought by the Federal Reserve and the Massachusetts Division of Banks for deficiencies in the bank’s compliance program relating to the Bank Secrecy Act, anti-money ...

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    Finter to Pay $5.4 Million Under Swiss Bank Program


    The Department of Justice today announced that Finter Bank Zurich has reached a resolution under the Department’s Swiss Bank Program, which provides a means for Swiss banks to resolve potential criminal liabilities in the United States. Finter will pay a $5.4 million penalty in return for a non-prosecution agreement for ...

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    Brit Banking Regulators Wield Attestation More Often


    Deutsche Bank paid $345 million to British regulators for its role in the LIBOR scandal, $153 million of that stemming from a false attestation the bank submitted about its internal controls. Those attestations are emerging as a potent tool for the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority. “This case sends a strong ...

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    Anti-Corruption Compliance Improves in Defense Sector


    Image: A new Transparency International report examining anti-corruption measures in the defense sector holds both good and bad news: Many defense companies have improved their ethics and anti-corruption compliance programs; plenty more still have lots to do. “It is clear that many companies in the industry are paying closer attention ...

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    SFO Brings Corruption Charges Against Former Alstom Compliance Executive


    Image: Title: LainéBritain’s Serious Fraud Office has filed corruption charges against a former head of ethics and compliance at Alstom, the beleaguered French firm subject to anti-bribery investigations in multiple countries. The charges against Jean-Daniel Lainé stem from bribes Alstom allegedly paid in the 2000s to supply trains to the ...

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    Dun & Bradstreet Discloses FCPA Investigation Costs


    Dun & Bradstreet, a commercial data and analytics provider, disclosed in a recent securities filing that it spent slightly more this time around than the same period last year on costs associated with its China investigation into possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Details inside.

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    SFO: Alstom to Face More Criminal Charges


    The U.K. Serious Fraud Office recently announced that it has brought fresh charges against Alstom Network U.K. and an Alstom employee in phase three of its ongoing investigation. The latest charges concern allegations of corruption for the supply of trains to the Budapest Metro. Details inside.