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- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Jaclyn Jaeger2014-11-04T13:45:00
Institutional Shareholder Services has proposed substantial changes to its voting policies on equity plans for the 2015 proxy season. Rather than assigning a pass or fail grade, ISS plans to implement a scorecard approach that weights various factors. The move addresses complaints that ISS takes a cookie-cutter approach to evaluating ...
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2015-06-16T12:30:00Z By Joe Mont
Image: The SEC’s proposed pay-for-performance rule would require companies to disclose the relationship between executive compensation and Total Shareholder Return. A simple and effective metric? Not everyone thinks so. “At first blush it’s intuitive: executives should win as shareholders win,” says Barry Sullivan of compensation consulting firm Semler Brossy. The ...
2015-05-05T12:30:00Z By Joe Mont
Image: Compensation committees and external reporting executives should brace for impact from the SEC’s newest addition to executive compensation disclosure: pay-for-performance rules. The detailed new disclosures (tagged in XBRL, no less) will be extensive, the consequences for executive pay unknown. “How useful is this information really going to be? To ...
2015-01-27T11:45:00Z By Joe Mont
Image: Worry over say-on-pay votes is out this proxy season; all the cool kids will be stressing over equity compensation plans instead. Proxy advisory firms are promising new levels of scrutiny for equity plans. “Companies have to be flexible because there are so many more moving parts to the methodology,” ...
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