Ipswitch File Transfer today announced the release of MOVEit 8.0, giving mobile users for the first time ever the ability to reliably and productively transfer files as part of key business processes, while providing IT the security, visibility and control required to confidently conduct business.

Historically, mobile users have turned to readily available file-sharing options outside the corporate IT structure. This approach creates security, visibility and control vulnerabilities for the business while file transfers are not automatically linked to business processes. By integrating mobile devices with a Managed File Transfer system, all files can be delivered "reliably and securely," and IT has "visibility and control of file movement," explained Ipswitch File Transfer President Rich Kennelly.

MOVEit 8.0 integrates mobile into a company's existing file-based processes. It makes files from their business systems available to mobile users, allows users to upload new files, and automates the movement of those files back to their business systems.In addition, the system allows mobile users to send files to each other, and share information.

MOVEit 8.0 also adds additional features that will help IT confidently meet security and compliance demands. New security features include:

Vulnerability protection: Enhanced with the latest safeguards to protect against the "OWASP Top 10," a consensus-driven list of the most critical web application security flaws;

Anti-virus protection: Support for McAfee, Symantec and Sophos;

Enhanced security wizard: Streamlines with lockdown process, increasing security configuration and ensuring necessary security steps are taken;

File tracking ability: Auditing, visibility and control for compliance with PCI Data Security Standards,  HIPAA/HITECH, Sarbanes-Oxley;

Support for server platforms and systems: Windows Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 2013;

Improved administrator control: Administrators now have the ability to optionally protect sensitive e-mail messages while always securing attachments.

MOVEit 8.0 extends Managed File Transfer functionality to mobile users on iOS and Android devices.