The Institute of Internal Auditors has elected Roderick Winters as chairman of the board. Winters is general manager of finance operations at Microsoft Corporation.

Other board positions include:

• Günther Meggeneder, head of internal audit at ista International in Essen, Germany, as senior vice chairman of the board;

• Anne Mercer, senior vice president of internal audit at Universal American Corp. in Houston, as vice chairman of the board for professional development;

• Dennis Beran, senior vice president and director of audit at JCPenney Inc., in Dallas, as vice chairman of the board for professional practices;

• Philip Tarling, partner at Bentley Jennison Risk Management in Fareham, England, as vice chairman of the board for professional services;

• Paul Sobel, vice president of internal audit at Mirant Corporation in Atlanta, as vice chairman of the board for research;

• Oswaldo Basile, executive director at Trusty Consultories in Sao Paulo, as treasurer of the board of directors;

• Michael Parkinson, director at KPMG in Canberra, Australia, as secretary of the board of directors;

The IIA voted the executive committee of the board into office during its annual business meeting, held in Johannesburg, South Africa on May 13.

All officers will serve in their position for a one-year term. A full list of The IIA board of directors is available at: