Infosec Island, the new online community designed especially for IT and network professionals who manage information security, risk, and compliance issues, today acquired, an online news portal addressing security issues.

ISR brings a number of authors to Infosec Island, who will regularly offer their experience and broad set of security expertise. The combination of the two communities also allows for Infosec Island’s free and premium tools to be made available to ISR’s international audience.

“ISR readers will now have the option to enjoy the suite of free network security tools that Infosec Island has developed specifically for SMBs and mid-market enterprises,” noted ISR founder and Managing Editor Anthony Freed.

Freed joins Infosec Island to continue his role as managing editor at the newly combined community and will take on the added role of director of business development. This will allow the company to expand existing and explore new relationships with ISR’s current authors and business partners. It also will include duties such as forging strategic business relationships, enhancing community membership, and developing new ad and content partners.

The two Infosec communities will continue to be operated separately while ISR’s content is gradually migrated to the Infosec Island framework by mid-year.