Index Engines, providers of enterprise discovery technology, has announced the launch of its new Tape Assessment Program. This program delivers a customized tape remediation plan to organizations storing large stockpiles of historical backup tapes.

The program leverages Index Engines’ expertise and technology for backup tape discovery to formulate a timeline and implementation strategy that will allow even the largest enterprise to cost effectively remediate backup tapes within the confines of their retention policy. Index Engines’ patented technology allows cost-effective and efficient tape discovery and remediation that was not previously possible.

The Tape Assessment Program involves a complementary consultation between Index Engines’ technical experts and the legal or IT representative interested in a tape remediation project. After outlining information unique to the client environment, Index Engines will analyze the situation and will provide a customized Tape Assessment Proposal within ten days. This plan will review how to implement a cost effective and efficient tape remediation project. Detailed ROI calculations will accompany this plan to clearly illustrate the money the organization will save, alongside reducing the risk of storing unknown data residing on backup tape.

Index Engines is the only solution available that can automatically catalog, index, and extract data directly from tape without the backup software. Relevant data can be identified and extracted in its native format, with all metadata intact, to litigation hold or an archive without ever restoring the tape content. By automating the discovery and extraction of tape data and eliminating the need for time consuming and expensive data restoration, Index Engines has made tape remediation an achievable enterprise initiative. Contact Index Engines today to arrange for a complimentary tape assessment and understand how you can get control of your legacy data.