All House of Lords articles

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    Report stage begins on Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill


    The Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill began its report stage this week, offering further opportunity to examine the bill and make changes. Two amendments to the bill were made.

  • Blog

    Fallout of corruption in South Africa worries U.K. government


    The House of Lords, the U.K. Parliament’s upper chamber, debated this month what action the U.K. government is taking to prevent money laundering through British banks by families and businesspeople linked to the government of South Africa.

  • Blog

    U.K. Parliament Scraps ‘Burden of Proof’ for Bankers


    It’s official—bankers won’t have to worry about being held accountable for misconduct on their watch. Earlier this week, the U.K. Parliament’s Treasury Committee made a last-minute change to abandon the “burden of proof” rule for bankers. In other words, while bankers will have to fulfill their statutory duty of responsibility, ...