Host Analytics, a cloud corporate performance management company, has added new enhancements to Host Analytics Close and Disclosure Management for faster enterprise consolidation.

Adding built-in process automation, the product is designed to give corporate stakeholders real-time visibility into operational and financial data, while bringing greater structure and efficiency to the critical close and disclose process.

New and enhanced features include:

Automatic data validations: Built-in data validations provide real-time insight into the quality and accuracy of data, and at the same time reduce the overall time to close. This feature ensures a faster and higher quality consolidation process for organizations by pinpointing which subsidiaries have and have not entered data, for example, and quickly identifying out of line expenses or other inconsistencies in the data.

Consolidation status reporting: Improved consolidation status reporting provides full visibility for monitoring and management of the entire close and disclose process. Users can quickly monitor where data is loaded from around the world, watch the movement of processed and unprocessed financial journals, and get a comprehensive snapshot of activity to ensure everything is progressing according to plan.

Support for FASB 52 rules, functional and interim currencies: Advanced enterprise features address even the most demanding close and disclose processes. This includes built-in support for FASB 52 Rules, which require American companies to record foreign exchange items on a balance sheet according to prevailing exchange rates, and unprecedented support for functional and interim currency operations.

Host Analytics Close and Disclosure Management is generally available now and will add enhanced workflow capabilities in early 2013 to provide a more methodical, structured approach to the close and disclose process, and even more rigor and comprehensive insight over the entire collaboration process.