HiSoftware, a provider of compliance and security solutions, has launched its newest solution, HiSoftware Security Sheriff, designed to help companies prevent the risk of breaches by employees.

Security Sheriff offers multiple options for the secure exchange and viewing of sensitive and regulated Microsoft SharePoint and Windows Server File Shares content to ensure secure internal collaboration and sharing with third-party recipients.

New features of Security Sheriff include:

Secure Document Exchange: The secure e-mail feature provides dual factor of authorization to which e-mails (with attachments) can be sent. Using PKI certificates, entities can exchange information/attachments only to trusted parties that have exchanged credentials/certificates. The attachments can only be opened by recipients that have their credentials (certificates) embedded in the document.

Attachments are automatically converted to, and sent as, a secure, read-only PDF file. Users are prevented from printing or copying content from the document. The secured PDF attachment contains a watermark bearing the details of the user who sent the email, machine name that it was sent from, and a date/time stamp.

Secure document viewer: Provides a secure PDF viewer that converts read-only Security Sheriff encrypted documents into a secured PDF document for viewing after it has been decrypted. This ensures that a user with read-only permission to document encrypted by Security Sheriff cannot open the document (decrypt) and manually distribute it using print, save as, and send to actions, or copy its contents.

The secure PDF document produced for viewing will contain a watermark containing the user, machine name that it was sent from, and a date/time stamp. It then removes the PDF from the user's system once the file is closed for added security.

Prevent users from e-mailing SharePoint document attachments: Organizations can control whether attachments can be e-mailed using individual document classification, or the send link only control can be set for all documents. E-mail attachments are automatically converted into a link to the original document on the SharePoint site.

The recipient will only be able to access the document if they have the correct permissions; otherwise they will get an “access denied” message. It not only restricts who can receive and view attachments using the certificate, but also provides controls to prevent recipients from performing actions such as print, send to, and copy functions to protect against sensitive data misuse and leakage.