Guidance Software, a digital investigations solutions provider, announced the availability of EnCase Forensic Version 7.03, the latest version of its computer investigation software, featuring key enhancements to allow forensic practitioners to complete faster, more efficient investigations.

Version 7.03 now includes a standalone evidence processor that increases forensic processing capacity, enabling organizations to dedicate a computer (or multiple computers) to processing evidence. Users also can build up a backlog of processed evidence ready and waiting for investigation using their EnCase Forensic licenses, which translates into less downtime and increased productivity and efficiency.

Version 7.03 also features the EnCase review package, which allows investigators to export evidence to a web-browser viewable document, providing an easy way for forensic examiners to share their findings with detectives, district attorneys, field agents, and more. The review package also allows others who are not forensic specialists to review evidence, tag files and send their review results back to the forensic examiner.

Additional enhancements in version 7.03 include new and updated encryption support, usability enhancements, Google Chrome browser support and system information parser updates.

Additional information on the software can be found here.