GoldenSource Corporation, a global software provider of enterprise data management solutions for financial institutions worldwide, has released Version 8.2 of its EDM suite.

In particular, the new version includes a major upgrade of its pricing capabilities. New workflow and validation tools will increase flexibility and transparency across all pricing functions, including P&L analysis, client reporting, product control, risk management, and finance.

The upgrade will help sell-side firms improve their Independent Price Verification processes, as well as fund administrators and custodians who are under pressure to support clients’ multiple pricing and valuation policies. Automation of the price collection, validation, and cross-checking processes will also eliminate the need for manual workarounds and provide greater clarity into asset valuation.

Users can construct pricing methods and validation rules with any mix of sources, hierarchies, and validations, and implement a scalable “source data once – use multiple times” approach.

The GoldenSource EDM suite also features end-to-end workflows for the verification process, ensuring step-by-step control, and increased auditability. In addition, the integration of all pricing-related processes eliminates the operational risks often associated with poorly integrated in-house and third-party systems.

GoldenSource’s EDM suite supports pricing for equities, fixed-income securities, options, futures, and OTC products. Users can also plug in their own pricing models for complex instruments such as OTC derivatives and reconcile them against third-party valuation services.