All GDPR articles – Page 6

  • PrivacyShield

    EU-U.S. Privacy Shield passes: Now what?


    For any U.S. company that collects and handles data on EU citizens, the time to review privacy policies, practices and contracts with service providers and customers is now. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

  • Article

    Preparing for the new EU cyber-security directive


    The European Parliament has greenlit an EU-wide cyber-security initiative that will impose plenty of new compliance requirements on organizations across the board. But, queries Jaclyn Jaeger, will compliance officers feel these are helping protect their organizations, or just adding another layer of regulatory liability?

  • Blog

    New solution helps companies reclaim lost data


    Ground Labs, a global security software company, announced the release of Enterprise Recon 2.0. The solution scans for 100 different data points and personally identifiable information, allowing organizations to protect critical information at every endpoint without relying on antiquated perimeter security methods.

  • Blog

    CipherCloud unveils GDPR-ready cloud security solution


    CipherCloud, a cloud security company, announced the availability of the industry’s first cloud security solution designed to help companies comply with the European General Data Protection Requirement (GDPR).

  • Article

    Preparing for the EU’s new Data Protection Rule


    Sweeping changes to the EU’s data protection laws means new compliance headaches for any U.S. company that collects and handles data on citizens of the European Union. “It’s a game changer, primarily because it sets standards that many companies haven’t had to worry about,” said Hilary Wandall, associate vice president ...