The FTI Technology business segment of FTI Consulting, a global business advisory firm, has launched the latest version of its Ringtail e-discovery software. New features and enhancements to search and analytics are designed to improve the speed and efficiency of review for legal teams during discovery.

New Ringtail enhancements and features include:

Macro-to-micro analytics: Legal teams can analyze millions of documents at a high level and then immediately drill into smaller data sets for additional research, revealing similarity relationships between documents. This functionality drives a more complete and faster identification of potentially relevant information and ultimately a richer understanding of key case facts.

Visual advanced search: Featuring a redesigned layout specifically designed to simplify complex search construction, visual search lets users toggle between advanced search, document lists and analytics, to produce immediate advanced searches from any visualization.

Quick searches: From the consistent navigation ribbon, reviewers can now access saved searches, assignments, document content, metadata and document IDs. Likewise, administrators can now immediately navigate to users, groups, workflows, binders and document collections.

Simplified homepage: A unified case homepage including hierarchical task;menus, navigation "breadcrumbs" and a quick-link sitemap improves usability by allowing reviewers and administrators direct access to functions.

Integrated processing: With support for more than 400 file types, Ringtail's new integrated processing delivers an optimized workflow with rapid ingestion, engaging dashboards and flexible configuration options.