All FSOC articles – Page 2

  • Blog

    House Republicans Target FSOC With Legislative Agenda


    The House Financial Services Committee has approved a slate of bills at one of its favorite bureaucratic targets, the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The FSOC Improvement Act, if adopted, would allow financial firms to eliminate risk through changes to their business model before being designated as Systemically Important Financial Institutions. ...

  • Blog

    Insurers Brace for International Capital Standards


    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors seeks to impose new capital standards upon systemically important insurance companies, echoing mandates from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The effort has irked the Financial Services Roundtable, which is urging U.S. regulators to oppose it. Who enforces any new standards is also unclear. ...

  • Blog

    GE, AIG Unable to Shed SIFI Status at Annual Review


    What will it take to be de-designated as a systemically important financial institution by the Financial Stability Oversight Council? We may need to waitlonger for the answer to that burning question as, despite a restructuring that will slice away most of its financing arm, General Electric was not yet able ...

  • Blog

    Appellate Court Allows Constitutional Challenge to CFPB


    A small Texas bank scored a potentially big victory last week when a federal appeals court ruled that it has standing to challenge the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The decision, overturning a 2013 district court ruling, rejected a similar challenge to the Financial Stability Oversight Council and ...

  • Blog

    IMF: Regulators Must Focus on Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies


    The thesis of a new report from the International Monetary Fund is hardly shocking. Despite progress, the U.S. must finish the work begun on financial reforms, it concludes. More telling is an assessment of what new areas systemic risk has bubbled into and how regulators should respond. Greater attention ...

  • Blog

    MetLife Challenges FSOC Secrecy with Document Demand


    As it sues the Financial Stability Oversight Council in federal court over its designation as a Systemically Important Financial Institution, MetLife is demanding that its lawyers have access to nearly 500 pages of redacted and unreleased agency documents, many of them otherwise shielded because of references to other companies. More ...

  • Article

    FSOC Report Offers Tea Leaves for Future Regulatory Focus


    What are the top threats to the U.S. financial system? In a new report, the Financial Stability Oversight Council cites cyber-security, financial innovations, and high-frequency trading among the problems regulators must address. Critics fret, however, that the agency wants “to get rid of the capital markets and replace everything with ...

  • Blog

    MetLife Makes a Federal Case of its SIFI Designation


    MetLife has filed a lawsuit to undo its designation as a non-bank systemically important financial institution by the Financial Stability Oversight Council. Although CEO Steven Kandarian said the company had hoped to avoid litigation, it marks the first time a too-big-to-fail designation has been challenged before a federal judge.

  • Blog

    Desite Protestations, MetLife Deemed Systemically Important


    To the surprise of no one, including the company itself, the Financial Stability Oversight Council has designated Metlife, the nation’s largest insurance company, as a Systemically Important Financial Institution, subjecting it to new regulatory, disclosure, and capital demands. MetLife has 30 days to decide whether to ask a federal judge ...