All FSOC articles

  • Artificial intelligence

    OCC’s Hsu encourages banks to apply guardrails to AI use


    Warning of an “eventual reckoning” on artificial intelligence use by financial institutions, the acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said the industry should learn lessons on how similar disruptive technologies evolved from being helpful to dangerous.

  • Real estate accounting
    News Brief

    FSOC warns on liquidity risk by nonbank mortgage servicers


    A new report by the Financial Stability Oversight Council recommended state regulators and Congress take steps to minimize “significant liquidity risk” posed by the nonbank mortgage servicing industry.

  • SEC
    News Brief

    SEC, CFTC adopt rule for enhanced large hedge fund disclosures


    Large hedge fund advisers will be required to disclose more information on their investment strategies, investment exposure, operations, and more as part of a rule change jointly adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • Financial stability
    News Brief

    FSOC framework details considerations of financial stability risks


    A new analytic framework approved by the Financial Stability Oversight Council seeks to provide further clarity into how the U.S. financial system is monitored for potential financial stability risks.

  • Federal Reserve
    News Brief

    FSOC votes for Fed to supervise nonbank financial institutions


    Federal regulators proposed to place nonbank financial institutions under supervision of the Federal Reserve Board if their activities are deemed to pose a systemic risk to the U.S. financial system.

  • Crypto coins

    FSOC recommends more regulation, oversight of digital assets


    A new report by the Financial Stability Oversight Council identified three regulatory gaps in the current oversight of cryptocurrency, stablecoins, and other digital assets and recommended steps Congress and federal regulators should take to close them.

  • CFTC

    SEC, CFTC propose large hedge funds provide more financial disclosure


    The SEC and CFTC proposed expanding Form PF disclosure requirements for large hedge funds to include more information on their investment strategies, investment exposure, open positions, and borrowing arrangements with counterparties, among other areas.

  • Climate

    FSOC report: Climate change ‘increasing threat’ to U.S. financial stability


    In a report ordered by President Joe Biden, the Financial Stability Oversight Council urged market participants, public companies, and regulators to develop a common agenda to respond to climate change-related financial risk.

  • fsoc-risk

    Regulators’ top risk cop assailed by reform-bent critics


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council was created to expose and mitigate systemic risks to the U.S. financial system. Its critics are winning the long-simmering battle to redefine its efforts.

  • Article

    FSOC seeks changes to nonbank designation guidance


    The FSOC has released proposed interpretive guidance regarding nonbank financial firm SIFI designations. It would implement an “activities-based approach” to identifying potential risks to financial stability and provide an “off-ramp” to designated firms.

  • Blog

    Prudential escapes SIFI tag, enhanced regulatory oversight


    The FSOC has reversed a previous determination that material financial distress at Prudential Financial could pose a threat to U.S. financial stability.

  • Blog

    FSOC lets AIG shed ‘systemically important’ status


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council has de-designated AIG as a systemically important financial institution, a classification that had placed heightened prudential standards and regulatory expectations upon the non-bank.

  • Blog

    Trump targets FSOC, reviews ‘fiduciary duty’ rule


    President Donald Trump’s regulatory rollback will include an FSOC review of financial rules and a review of the Labor Department’s “fiduciary duty” rule that could ultimately lead to its demise. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    FSOC vs. MetLife legal battle resumes in October


    Round two of the fight between insurance giant MetLife and the government over its status as a systemically important financial institution heads to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Oct. 24 for oral arguments. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    GE Capital breaks free of its SIFI designation


    GE Capital Global Holdings is no longer a threat to financial stability,says the Financial Stability Oversight Council. While MetLife prevailed in a lawsuit to shed its designation as a non-bank systemically important financial institution, GE Capital did so by working within the agencies appeals framework. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    FSOC releases sixth annual report, risk assessment


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council has approved and released its 2016 annual report. Delivered each year to Congress, it addresses a range of issues, including financial market and regulatory developments and potential emerging threats to financial stability. Joe Mont explores.

  • Article

    Fed proposes more ‘bank-like’ capital & risk standards for insurance companies


    Insurance companies are increasingly targeted with bank-like regulation and oversight. The latest development: proposals by the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors for new capital and risk management standards for systemically important insurance companies and those that own a bank or thrift. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    FSOC turns focus to asset management


    Bringing a measure of transparency to its often secretive deliberations, the Financial Stability Oversight Council has released a public update on its review of potential risks to U.S. financial stability. Topping that list, beyond its controversial designations of banks and nonbanks as systemically important, are concerns about asset management products ...

  • Blog

    GE Capital seeks to shed ‘too big to fail’ status


    One day after a federal judge revoked MetLife’s designation as a “systemically important financial institution” by the Financial Stability Oversight Council, GE—specifically the wholly owned subsidiary GE Capital—is requesting that it also be able to shed the classification and increased regulatory demands that come with being “too big to fail.”

  • DancingPeanutsGang2

    Judge sides with MetLife in battle over SIFI designation


    A federal judge has sided with insurance giant MetLife in its effort to remove the “systematically important financial institution” designation placed upon it in 2014 by the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The ruling is unlikely to mark the end of the battle as the government has the option of either ...