Freedom OSS, an Integrated Cloud Service Management provider, has announced the availability of its vNOC 2.0 offering. As part of the company’s "Stairway to the Cloud" suite, vNOC 2.0 eases the transition to cloud services for enterprise organizations by mitigating risks and reducing costs.

The vNOC 2.0 suite manages packaged and server applications, operating systems, security patching, and upgrades while also providing governance and compliance adherence.

New features include:

Encryption of data at rest and in transit, which allows sensitive data to reside in the Cloud without being compromised;

“Trusted hives," meaning only instances that are secure will participate in the system’s workload;

Key and password management via a secure vault and virtual access card;

Intrusion detection, which senses and intercepts any unauthorized activities in the cloud environment;

Log Vaulting to facilitate forensic investigation and auditing to meet compliance regulations;

Advanced DDoS Protection that stop hacker “denial of service” attacks on cloud deployed web facing application; and

Ticket-System Integration, in which all vNOC 2.0 activities are automatically recorded as tickets for future review and visibility.

Additionally, the vNOC 2.0 suite provides API access via WebServices for easy system-to-system integration, role-based access controls that integrate with existing Active Directory or LDAP repositories to preserve existing permissions and carry them over to the cloud and a portal to access services.