All FRC articles – Page 6

  • Blog

    Make it clearer, says Financial Reporting Council


    The Financial Reporting Council has given audit committee chairs and finance directors a shopping list of improvements it expects companies to make to their annual reports. Paul Hodgson has more.

  • LIBORBankDollarSign

    Barclays bank reaches $100m U.S. settlement over LIBOR rigging scandal


    A long-running investigation by the State of New York into Barclays’ manipulation of LIBOR rates before the 2008 financial crisis finally draws to a close. Neil Hodge reports.

  • Blog

    FRC issues new Audit Firm Governance Code


    The U.K. Financial Reporting Council has updated its Audit Firm Governance Code in an effort to improve investors’ faith in accounting practices. Paul Hodgson reports.

  • Article

    FRC: U.K. corporate culture needs serious work


    The United Kingdom’s Financial Reporting Council has released a report of observations on overall U.K. corporate culture and highlighted a number of ways in which boards and management can make some much-needed adjustments. Neil Hodge has more.

  • Blog

    Monitoring corporate culture


    A recent report from the Financial Reporting Council offers guidance to board chairmen on how to promote corporate culture. The report advises boards to align values, exercise steardship, and demonstrate leadership, among other steps. Paul Hodgson provides an in-depth look.

  • MagnifyingGlassOnMoney

    FRC announces investigations into KPMG and PwC


    The U.K. Financial Reporting Council, an independent investigative body that monitors and enforces accounting standards, is looking into audits made of financial services companies in the days preceding the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, starting with a delve into the work of two key accountancy firms—KPMG and PwC. Paul Hodgson ...

  • AnnualReportImage

    FRC: What investors should expect in company records


    Stephen Haddrill, chief executive of the U.K.’s Financial Reporting Council, wrote a letter to investors highlighting recent changes to companies’ annual reports and advising investors on what to expect in the coming crop. The report is “intended to be an important source of forward-looking information about strategy and risk,” he ...