Former FBI deputy director Sean Joyce has joined PwC's U.S. advisory forensics services practice as a principal. In this capacity, Joyce will be focused on the evolving challenges of strategic global threat management, cyber-security and economic crime. 

Joyce began his career as an FBI special agent in 1987 and most recently served as the agency's deputy director, with oversight of the FBI's 36,000 employees. Immediately prior to his appointment as deputy director, he was the executive assistant director (EAD) of the FBI's National Security Branch, in which he oversaw the FBI's counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, weapons of mass destruction, and intelligence programs, as well as the Terrorist Screening Center.

He was also the FBI's lead intelligence official, responsible for coordination and liaison with the U.S. director of national intelligence and the rest of the intelligence community. He additionally served as chief of the Counter-terrorism Division's International Terrorism Operations Section, with responsibility for international terrorism matters within the United States.