All Financial Reporting Council articles – Page 5

  • NeedsImprovement

    U.K. audit regulators see no improvement in audit quality


    U.K. audit regulators saw no improvement in audit quality in their most recent inspections, indicating none of the major firms achieved targeted pass rates.

  • InternalAudit

    New, tough regulator to oversee U.K. audit


    The U.K. Financial Reporting Council will soon be replaced by a new regulator acting on recommendations from Sir John Kingman of the London Stock Exchange. The government hopes to ensure the United Kingdom going forward has “a world-class audit and accounting regulator.”

  • Article

    U.K. Financial Reporting Council receives scathing review


    An independent review of U.K. corporate governance regulator and audit watchdog the Financial Reporting Council calls the agency a “hangover from a bygone era.”

  • Blog

    FRC issues corporate governance principles for private companies


    The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) issued its long-awaited corporate governance standards for private companies, providing a framework to help the companies meet legal requirements and improve and disclose their governance.

  • Blog

    Former Autonomy execs face fraud charges in HP deal


    A federal grand jury has delivered indictments against former Autonomy executives in connection with HP’s failed acquisition of the U.K. technology business.

  • Blog

    No change in audit-non-audit mix in U.S., KPMG says


    Amid reports that KPMG is drawing a firmer line between audit and non-audit services in the United Kingdom, the firm has no similar plans in the United States.

  • frazzledaccountant

    U.K. audit regulator rips quality at major firms


    Audit regulators in the United Kingdom have taken off the gloves in their assessment of audit quality among the major firms, especially the Big 4.

  • Columnist_Hodgson

    Amid criticism, can trust in U.K. FRC be restored?


    Attacks on the Financial Reporting Council are growing at the same time the U.K. regulator has been granted sweeping new powers to do a job it has been accused of not doing very well.

  • Blog

    New U.K. Corporate Governance Code focuses on culture


    The Financial Reporting Council this week published proposals for a revised U.K. corporate governance code to reflect the changing business environment and help U.K. companies achieve the highest levels of governance, with corporate culture being a new key focus.

  • Article

    Reporting on climate risks on the bottom line


    The Financial Stability Board is pressuring companies to disclose in some way what their potential risk business impact from climate change risk might be, as this has become a growing concern for investors.

  • Blog

    FRC issues new Audit Firm Governance Code


    The U.K. Financial Reporting Council has updated its Audit Firm Governance Code in an effort to improve investors’ faith in accounting practices. Paul Hodgson reports.

  • Blog

    Monitoring corporate culture


    A recent report from the Financial Reporting Council offers guidance to board chairmen on how to promote corporate culture. The report advises boards to align values, exercise steardship, and demonstrate leadership, among other steps. Paul Hodgson provides an in-depth look.

  • Article

    More Hints on Audit Report 2.0


    New international requirements for an expanded audit report are providing a teaser for what the United States should expect in coming years. The new international standard is modeled on an earlier U.K. version, and it’s similar to a proposal expected from the PCAOB this year. The details differ, but the ...