The April 15, 2014 SEC Risk Alert regarding cybersecurity and the January 2014 FINRA Sweep announcement on cybersecurity helped make it quite clear that financial firms must take a fresh look at what they are doing in this area. Yesterday, I hosted a webcast on this topic that explored in detail what regulators will be focused on and what professionals in the private bar, as well as in-house counsel, compliance officers, technology personnel, exchanges and others need to know about this recent financial regulatory surge.

In this webcast, John Reed Stark, Managing Director, Stroz Friedberg; and Bradley J. Bondi, Partner, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, discussed topics including:

* The current regulatory landscape of, and recent regulatory interest in, the cybersecurity policies and practices at financial firms;

* SEC enforcement actions pertaining to cybersecurity;

* The type of cybersecurity information FINRA and OCIE examiners may expect to receive during their examinations; and

* Recommended technology-related steps for broker-dealers, registered investment advisers, hedge funds, private equity firms, exchanges and other financial firms to take in response to increased regulatory focus and new regulatory initiatives, including how financial firms can launch a “preemptive holistic strike” to counter the anticipated regulatory offensive.

Check out the full webcast below, as well as the Attachments to the webcast which include Stark's recent article entitled, "Cybersecurity and Financial Firms: Bracing for the Regulatory Onslaught."