As I did last year, I have been tracking the SEC's federal court trials in FY 2015 (which began on October 1, 2014), and the results in each case. The SEC went undefeated this year, posting a record of 4-0-2. In its six federal court trials, the SEC had four outright victories in which it won on all of its claims, zero outright losses in which it lost on all of its claims, and two mixed verdicts in which it won on some claims and lost on others.

The SEC's six trials were significantly fewer than it had in FY 2015. In FY 2014, the SEC posted a record of 5-7-5 in 17 trials.

The complete list of the SEC's FY 2015 and FY 2014 trials, and the outcomes in each case, is as follows:

FY 2015 Trials (Record: 4-0-2):

SEC v., Inc.:  VERDICT—FOR SEC (Oct. 2014)

SEC v. Kokesh: VERDICT—FOR  SEC (Nov. 2014)

SEC v. BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc. and Alan B. Levan: VERDICT—MIXED (Dec. 2014)

SEC v. Heart Tronic: VERDICT—MIXED (March 2015)

SEC v. Levin: VERDICT—FOR SEC (April 2015)

SEC v. Morando Berrettini and Ralph Pirtle: VERDICT—FOR SEC (September 2015)

FY 2014 Trials (Record: 5-7-5):

SEC v. Cuban:  VERDICT—FOR DEFENDANT (Oct. 2013)

SEC v. AIC Inc.: VERDICT—FOR  SEC (Oct. 2013)

SEC v. True North Finance Corp.: VERDICT—FOR SEC (Oct. 2013)

SEC v. Kovzan: VERDICT—FOR DEFENDANT (December 2013)

SEC v. Jensen: VERDICT—FOR DEFENDANTS (December 2013)

SEC v. Schvacho: VERDICT— FOR DEFENDANT (January 2014)

SEC v. Yang: VERDICT—MIXED (January 2014)

SEC v. Steffes: VERDICT—FOR DEFENDANTS (January 2014)

SEC v. Life Partners: VERDICT—MIXED (Feb. 2014)

SEC v. DiGiorgio: VERDICT—FOR  SEC (Feb. 2014)

SEC v. Quan: VERDICT—MIXED (Feb. 2014)

SEC v. Jacobs: VERDICT—MIXED (March 2014)

SEC v. Wyly: VERDICT—MIXED (May 2014 and July 2014)


SEC v. Moshayedi: VERDICT—FOR DEFENDANTS (June 2014)

SEC v. Hayter: VERDICT—FOR  SEC (August 2014)

SEC v. Sage Advisory Group: VERDICT—FOR  SEC (August 2014)