All Federal Reserve Board articles – Page 4

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve rule addresses inter-bank lending


    The Federal Reserve Board has proposed a rule intended to address the risk associated with excessive credit exposures of large banking organizations to a single counterparty. Specifically, it addresses large credit exposures between financial institutions, a practice that led to financial instability during the Financial Crisis. The proposal would apply ...

  • Blog

    Fed Proposes Liquidity Disclosures, Will Improve Examinations


    Image: There was a warning last week from Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo to expect an increase to stress test minimum capital requirements and a proposed rule requiring banks to publicly disclose aspects of their liquidity profile. Also announced was an effort to improve the consistency of supervisory examinations and a ...

  • Article

    Volcker Compliance Deadline Creeps Up


    Image: For all the political controversy still surrounding the Volcker Rule, its biggest compliance obligation—implementing new controls and training to root out forbidden trading—has a looming deadline in July. “You’ve got to build an infrastructure,” says David Freeman of the law firm Arnold & Porter. “That’s a bigger effort than ...