All Federal Reserve Board articles – Page 3

  • Blog

    Fed rule targets risk concentrations among big banks


    A new rule from the Federal Resere seeks to prevent concentrations of risk between large banking organizations and their counterparties from undermining financial stability.

  • Article

    Fed pitches a new effort to streamline Volcker rule


    On the heels of new legislation targeting reach of the Volcker rule to small- and medium-sized financial institutions, the Fed has announced its own plan for streamlining the Dodd-Frank Act’s regulatory centerpiece.

  • Blog

    Report: Wells Fargo employees may have altered customer documents


    The latest catalyst for bad news at Wells Fargo: allegations that employees altered information on business customers’ forms and documents.

  • Blog

    Powell takes charge as Fed’s chairman of the Board of Governors


    On Feb. 5, Jerome H. Powell took the oath of office as chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, succeeding Janet L. Yellen. His term as chairman is four years.

  • Blog

    Fed drops hammer on Wells Fargo, board for past misdeeds


    On her last day as Federal Reserve Chairman, Janet Yellen escalated the regulatory attack on the embattled Wells Fargo, restricting the growth of the firm until it “sufficiently improves its governance and controls.”

  • Blog

    Agencies announce postitive results for living wills


    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Board have released resolution plans for the eight largest and "most complex" domestic banks. In a signal of progress, none were found to have severe deficiencies.

  • Blog

    Fed plans transfer of consumer protection rules to CFPB


    The Federal Reserve Board has announced the repeal of one regulation and revisions to another as part of an effort to transfer certain consumer protection rule-writing authority to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

  • Article

    How financial regulation will evolve under Fed Chairman Powell


    If confirmed by the Senate, President Trump’s decision to promote Fed Governor Jerome Powell to chairman will further his deregulatory agenda, albeit in a kinder, gentler way.

  • Blog

    ICOs, Santa, and the DEA


    Title: ICOs, Santa, and the DEAIn case you missed it this week, cryptocurrencies have a historic week, the military continues to ignore sexual misconduct allegations, and physically dragging passengers off of an airline isn’t considered a civil rights violation, after all.

  • Article

    Federal Reserve rethinks oversight by bank boards


    A Federal Reserve proposal seeks to streamline the expectations placed upon bank directors. Will it help ease their burden, or create a confusing new regime?

  • Blog

    President nominates first-ever regulatory watchdog for Fed


    President Trump has nominated Randal Quarles, a former official at the Treasury Department, as a member of the Board of Governors, filling a long-vacant role as the Fed’s regulatory watchdog.

  • Blog

    Bookending post-crisis rules, Fed mandates long-term debt holdings


    To improve resiliency and eliminate taxpayer bailouts, the Federal Reserve has approved new long-term debt and “total loss-absorbing capacity” requirements for big banks. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    How to get a Volcker rule extension for illiquid funds


    Banks have some new guidance on how to seek an extension for conforming their investments in "illiquid funds" to the Dodd-Frank Act's Volcker Rule. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Banks may face enhanced cyber-risk management rules


    Federal bank regulators are considering a slate of enhanced cyber-security, risk management, and resiliency standards. The new rules would apply to directors and auditors. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Fed takes aim at banks’ commodity holdings


    Joe Mont looks at a proposed rule from the Federal Reserve Board meant to strengthen existing requirements and limitations on the physical commodity activities of financial holding companies.

  • reportcard

    Fed releases report card on capital plans of big banks


    The Federal Reserve has released the results of its annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, an assessment of whether bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets have effective capital planning processes and adequate assets on-hand to absorb losses during stressful conditions. While many plans passed ...

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve releases bank stress test results


    Some good news from the Federal Reserve this week: U.S. banks seem to have enough cash on hand to weather a variety of unexpected economic calamities and downturns. “The nation's largest bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and improve their credit quality, strengthening their ability to lend ...

  • Blog

    Deadline extended for foreign bank resolution plans


    The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have granted four foreign banking organizations additional time to submit their next resolution plans. Previously, Barclays, Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank AG, and UBS were required to submit their next plans on July 1, 2016, a deadline now bumped up ...

  • Article

    Banks face continuing parade of new regulations


    Even as aftershocks of the Financial Crisis fade, banks continue to face a steady stream of new and evolving regulatory demands. Recent days have been no exception, says Joe Mont, with new demands regarding liquidity, swaps contracts, and a plan to undo the United States’ “see no evil” approach to ...

  • GlassesReportCard

    Banks get report cards, to-do demands for their ‘living wills’


    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Board have released firm-specific report cards on the 2015 resolution plans of eight systemically important, domestic banks. The determinations were made public on Wednesday, one day after a report by the Government Accountability Office called for greater transparency in how their ...