All FCPA articles – Page 28

  • Blog

    How Will Schrems Ruling Affect FCPA Compliance in Europe?


    Image: The Schrems decision last week invalidated the safe harbor provision that let U.S. companies ferry personal data back and forth from Europe. Already compliance officers are beginning to sweat the implications of that ruling for anti-corruption programs. First likely headache: hotline data. Tom Fox, our Man From FCPA, has ...

  • Blog

    Is FIFA Getting Serious About Ethics Reform?


    FIFA seems to be getting serious about the perception that its organization is rife with corruption. Last week it suspended three of its top officials, including President Sepp Blatter. Those suspensions come one week after major sponsors demanded FIFA take action. Our Man From FCPA, Tom Fox, has more inside.

  • Blog

    Double Trouble in Internal Investigations After Schrems


    Image: Last week another huge shift in the compliance world happened: the Schrems decision by the European Court of Justice, finding that the previously presumed European Union Safe Harbor regime is invalid. For the anti-corruption compliance practitioner, the decision is double-trouble when you consider it in light of the recent ...

  • Blog

    Update on the Petrobras Corruption Scandal


    This week one commentator reported that the Netherlands-based SBM Offshore would pay $255 million in fines and penalties for its role in the Petrobras scandal. If SBM Offshore does settle with Brazilian authorities for this amount, it will be a first step in resolving the morass businesses sucked into that ...

  • Blog

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Settles FCPA Case for $14 Million


    Pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb has reached a $14 million settlement with the SEC for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. According to the Commission, the company’s joint venture in China made cash payments and provided other benefits to healthcare providers at state-owned and state-controlled hospitals in exchange for prescription ...

  • Blog

    Sponsors Turn Up the Heat on FIFA Corruption


    Image: Four of FIFA’s largest sponsors have called on the group’s president, Sepp Blatter, to resign immediately given his role in possible misconduct at the soccer organization. (Blatter is now under criminal investigation by Swiss prosecutors.) That business-driven pressure, Compliance Week blogger Tom Fox (left) says, might be the first ...

  • Blog

    Hyperdynamics to Pay $75K to SEC in FCPA Case


    Oil and gas company Hyperdynamics announced this week that it has reached a $75,000 settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve violations of the books and records and internal control provisions of the Securities Exchange Act. Hyperdynamics said it consented to the SEC order without admitting or denying ...

  • Blog

    New U.S.-China Corruption Cooperation Initiative


    Image: An interesting development reported this week: The United States and China have agreed to cooperate on the seizure of assets obtained through corruption and on the deportations of Chinese nationals from the United States who engaged in bribery and corruption in China and later fled to America for sanctuary. ...

  • Blog

    Moves Against FIFA, VW: Sweating in the C-Suite?


    Image: Talk in corporate compliance circles lately has been dominated by the United States and publication of the Yates Memo, where the Justice Department will be pushing for more prosecution of individuals. The real bite for compliance, however, might be happening in Europe, where regulators are moving against the chiefs ...

  • Blog

    Hitachi Settles FCPA Charges With SEC for $19 Million


    Tokyo-based Hitachi reached a $19 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by inaccurately recording improper payments to South Africa’s ruling political party in connection with contracts to build two multi-billion dollar power plants. More inside.

  • Blog

    Compliance Week 2016: First Sessions Announced


    Image: We hold the Compliance Week annual conference every May, so our 2016 event might still seem a long way off to many. Around here, however, we’ve already been working on speakers and ideas for months. This week we want to give you a peek at what’s on drawing board ...

  • Blog

    This Phrase Is a Key Corruption Indicator


    Image: Title: FoxCorporate scandals come in many forms, and can violate any number of federal statutes. For compliance officers, however, some key phrases—such as one that has turned up in scandals including Volkswagen and Hewlett-Packard—are the words that should guide your program. When employees utter them, they need to know ...

  • Blog

    Analogic Proposes $1.6 Million FCPA Settlement


    Analogic, an airport security and medical-imaging technology provider, said in a quarterly filing this week that it has proposed a $1.6 million settlement to the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case.The potential sanctions concern certain questionable transactions involving Analogic’s Danish subsidiary BK Medical and ...

  • Blog

    Yates Memo: More Change Coming in FCPA Enforcement


    Two weeks ago, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement took a formal turn when the Justice Department released the Yates Memo, which formalized the department’s new focus on prosecuting individuals under the FCPA. In the same week, there was a much less reported event that could have equally large effect on ...

  • Blog

    The FCPA Enforcement World Changed Last Week


    Image: The Yates Memo issued by the Justice Department last week, insisting that companies work much harder to help prosecute individuals if they want to receive cooperation credit, is likely to be a sea change in how compliance officers must address problems like Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigations. Our FCPA ...

  • Blog

    Blood Is Not Thicker Than FCPA Risk


    The SEC has now taken its first enforcement action in a “princeling” case, fining BNY Mellon for offering plum internships to the relatives of foreign officials to win business with their countries’ sovereign wealth funds. Inside, columnist Tom Fox looks at the case (which is probably the first of several) ...

  • Blog

    FCPA Lessons in Deflate-gate: Consistency of Discipline


    For those in the FCPA world I would like to focus on one aspect of the court’s ruling: consistency in discipline. In Brady’s appeal, the court was highly critical of the fact that the NFL policy for discipline for first offenses involving equipment violations would result in fines rather than ...

  • Blog

    Federal Judge Limits Scope of FCPA Liability


    A recent decision by U.S. District Judge Janet Arterton for the District of Connecticut has rejected the Department of Justice's "accomplice" theory of liability under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, substantially limiting the reach of the government’s enforcement arm under the FCPA. The ruling in the case, in favor of ...

  • Blog

    Do You Have a Windows 95 FCPA Compliance Program?


    I find the world of sports to be a rich source of tutorials on things not to do for the FCPA compliance practitioner; from suspending Tom Brady for events which happened after DeflateGate, to the St. Louis Cardinals hacking the Houston Astros (of all teams) to steal secrets around player ...

  • Blog

    More on Poverty, Bribery, and Compliance


    Image: Earlier this week I wrote about poverty: how its brutal reality makes corporate compliance programs so difficult to implement, because people in emerging markets (foreign officials and employees alike) need to take bribes to survive. Then came a recent conversation with a foreign official in said emerging markets, and ...