All FCPA articles – Page 17

  • Blog

    Lessons from the Telia FCPA resolution


    The largest FCPA resolution on record (so far), at nearly $1 billion, offers plenty of objective lessons for compliance practitioners looking to better understand enforcement trends.

  • Blog

    Third-party lifecycle management


    The Man From FCPA recommends five steps in the lifecycle of third-party management for the risk management process around third parties.

  • Article

    The new trend in FCPA compliance is cooperation


    We may be seeing the dawn of a golden age of FCPA compliance as organizations and the government learn to work together so everybody stays clean.

  • Blog

    Using incentives in a compliance program


    As stated in the FCPA Guide, compliance programs need to have in place recognized incentives for doing business. The Man From the FCPA discusses what important parts an incentive program may include.

  • Blog

    A promise to pay can be an FCPA violation


    The South African imbroglio involving the Gupta family and their relationship to the current President of the country continues to be a sinkhole of reputational kryptonite. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Targeted and focused compliance training


    One of the key goals of any FCPA compliance program is to train company employees in awareness and understanding of the FCPA itself.

  • Blog

    Communications in a best practices compliance program


    When it comes to optimizing your compliance program, creating a robust channel of communications is absolutely crucial.

  • Blog

    Those pesky hot mikes and insider-trading laws


    Inside is a look at the actions of the Batista brothers, leaders of corrupt firm JBS, which highlights a part of any corruption resolution across the globe: If you hold back information from the government, you will be subject to prosecution for those crimes as well.

  • Blog

    Written protocols for compliance


    Tom Fox explores written protocols, the foundation upon which an effective compliance program is built.

  • Blog

    Risk assessments


    A detailed guide from the Man From FCPA on how to perform an effective risk assessment.

  • Blog

    McKinsey and KPMG face blowback in South Africa


    Reports indicate both the international consultancy McKinsey and the international accounting firm KPMG have come under scrutiny for their work for the Gupta family and may be forced to self-disclose their findings to the U.S. government for potential FCPA violations.

  • Blog

    Tone in an organization


    Tom Fox explores the many levels of corporations and how they interact to create tone at the top, middle, and bottom.

  • Blog

    Structure of the CCO position


    The Man From FCPA explores the three prisms by which the structure of the Chief Compliance Officer position can be evaluated: access, resources, and opportunities.

  • Blog

    Uber and “Hell”


    The hits keep coming to beleaguered transportation firm Uber; reports have surfaced that an internal company program called “Hell” utilized software that allowed it to illegally interfere with Lyft, an Uber competitor.

  • Blog

    New scandals; new lexicon for unethical conduct


    In the FCPA world, the most dreaded question during an enforcement action is “where else?”—as in, where else are you engaging in bribery and corruption? After Wells Fargo, the lexicon may well expand to “what else?”—as in what other conduct is your company engaging in that is unethical?

  • Blog

    Going weird in international bribery and corruption


    As Hunter S. Thompson once said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Such is the case of BSG Resources after accusations surfaced that the company had paid bribes to obtain a huge mining concession in Guinea—charges it vehemently denies.

  • Blog

    For leniency, confess all crimes


    The JBS meat-packing scandal is a perfect example of why companies must provide every single shred of evidence of criminal conduct, or a plea agreement might not be worth much.

  • Blog

    What are the effects of C-Suite involvement in bribery and corruption?


    A look at the corruption cases of Samsung and Panalpina and the outcome from when C-Suite becomes involved in corporate bribery and corruption schemes.

  • Blog

    Preparing for compliance


    One lsson learned from Hurricane Harvey applies to today’s compliance professional: You must do more than prepare for a compliance emergency by preparing beforehand, but you must also practice that preparedness.

  • Blog

    Vantage Drilling: Justice Department ends FCPA probe


    Vantage Drilling Company, an offshore drilling contractor, announced this week that it will not be facing an enforcement action from the Department of Justice regarding a previously disclosed investigation into potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.