Financial Accounting Standards Board Chairman Leslie Seidman on Jan. 10 named Susan Cosper as FASB technical director, effective Feb. 1, 2011. Cosper fills the vacancy resulting from the appointment of Russell Golden to the FASB in September 2010.

Cosper brings more than 18 years of diverse financial reporting and auditing experience to her new role with FASB. A partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers since 2007, she joined the firm's assurance practice in 1992 and has performed financial statement audits and provided technical accounting advice for companies in the United States and abroad.

As technical director of FASB, Cosper will have primary responsibility for overseeing FASB staff work on all standards-setting projects, including major global and domestic projects and technical application and implementation of financial accounting and reporting standards. She will also serve as chair of FASB's Emerging Issues Task Force.

Cosper began her career in the Pittsburgh office of PwC, where she performed audits of private and public companies in PwC's assurance practice. From 1998 to 2001, she accepted an international assignment in the firm's London office, where she led global audit engagements and advised clients on international accounting issues.

After her return to Pittsburgh, in 2005 she was selected for a three-year fellowship with the FASB, where she held the roles of practice fellow and senior practice fellow. Upon completing the fellowship, she became part of PwC's national office and, most recently served in PwC's Financial Instruments, Structured Products, and Real Estate Group in New York City.