All False Claims Act articles – Page 6

  • CVS

    Alleged compliance failures at Omnicare lead to healthcare fraud lawsuit


    A series of alleged compliance failures at pharmaceutical services provider Omnicare has resulted in the Department of Justice intervening in yet another civil healthcare fraud lawsuit against the company.

  • Pharmaceuticals

    Avanir to pay $116M for engaging in kickback scheme


    Avanir Pharmaceuticals will pay a combined $116 million in civil and criminal penalties for paying kickbacks to a physician to induce prescriptions of its drug Nuedexta, the Department of Justice announced.

  • Syringe

    Mallinckrodt to pay $15.4M over kickback allegations


    Pharmaceutical company Mallinckrodt is set to pay $15.4 million to the Justice Department to resolve allegations of illegal kickbacks to doctors in the form of lavish dinners and entertainment.

  • Article

    American Airlines to pay $22.1M over falsified mail delivery allegations


    American Airlines has agreed to pay $22.1 million to resolve allegations of violations of the False Claims Act regarding the reporting of international delivery times.

  • Cisco

    Cisco’s $8.6M settlement for security flaws has broader ramifications


    Cisco has reached an $8.6 million settlement for knowingly selling video surveillance software with critical security vulnerabilities. It’s believed to be the first cyber-security whistleblower case of its kind successfully litigated under the False Claims Act.

  • pills

    Novartis sets aside $700M in kickback case


    Swiss pharmaceutical drug maker Novartis announced it has set aside $700 million for a potential settlement in a long-running lawsuit over allegations that the company paid hundreds of millions of dollars in kickbacks to doctors to induce them into prescribing drugs to patients to boost their sales.

  • McCuskerMurray

    Claire McCusker Murray on DOJ's compliance view


    Justice Department Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General Claire McCusker Murray kicks off Compliance Week’s 2019 annual conference with a keynote discussing the Department’s emphasis on corporate enforcement policy and promotion and incentivization of corporate compliance. She also sheds light on recent reforms to the False Claims Act.

  • Article

    Informatica to pay $21.57M in False Claims Act case


    The Department of Justice says Informatica will pay over $21 million stemming from a False Claims Act investigation.

  • RewardFeature

    Justice Department: How to receive cooperation credit in False Claims Act cases


    New Justice Department guidance details how companies can be rewarded for assisting in a False Claims Act investigation, but it includes some caveats.

  • Pharmaceuticals

    Astellas, Amgen to pay $124.75M for False Claims Act violations


    Pharmaceutical companies Astellas and Amgen will pay a total of $124.75 million to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by illegally paying the Medicare co-pays for their own high-priced drugs.

  • Article

    Covidien to pay $17.5M for False Claims Act violations


    Covidien has agreed to pay $17.5 million for violations of the False Claims Act by providing free or discounted practice development and market development support to physicians in California and Florida to induce purchases of Covidien products, the Department of Justice announced.

  • Article

    An inside look at False Claims Act enforcement


    Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox in remarks this week offered some key insight into the Department of Justice’s enforcement principles, policies, and perspectives that guide its False Claims Act enforcement.

  • /img/field/image/federalhealthcare

    Distilling compliance lessons from healthcare fraud cases


    False Claims Act recoveries related to healthcare fraud in fiscal year 2018 offer key insight into the best practices the government expects to ensure compliance with federal healthcare laws.

  • Blog

    AmerisourceBergen to pay $625M over illegally repackaged drugs


    AmerisourceBergen and its subsidiaries have agreed to pay $625 million to resolve its civil liability to the United States under the False Claims Act for causing false claims for the drugs it repackaged to be submitted to federal health care programs.

  • Blog

    Mylan will pay $465 million to resolve False Claims Act liability


    Mylan, maker of the EpiPen, has agreed to pay $465 million to settle Department of Justice allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by misclassifying the epinephrine injector  as a generic drug to avoid paying Medicaid rebates.

  • Article

    The Escobar decision, one year later


    A year after the Supreme Court more closely defined materiality and implied consent in False Claims Act cases, compliance officers still have more questions than answers.

  • Article

    Preventing False Claims Act liability


    During a recent panel, federal and state officials, corporate defense attorneys, and whistleblower reps alike debated the ins and outs of U.S. FCA cases and how to defend them.

  • Blog

    CA to pay $45M in False Claims Act case


    CA, an information technology management software and services company, agreed to pay $45 million to resolve allegations under the False Claims Act that it made false statements and claims in the negotiation and administration of a General Services Administration contract, the Department of Justice announced.

  • Blog

    Forest Labs to pay $38M for False Claims Act violations


    Forest Laboratories and its subsidiary, Forest Pharmaceuticals, have agreed to pay $38 million to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by paying kickbacks to induce physicians to prescribe its drugs. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

  • Blog

    Omnicare to pay $28M to settle kickback allegations


    Omnicare this week agreed to pay $28.1 million to resolve allegations that it solicited and received millions of dollars in kickbacks from drug maker Abbott Laboratories, the Justice Department announced. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.