Exterro, a provider of legal governance, risk and compliance management solutions, announced the integration of Recommind’s Axcelerate ECA & Collection with Exterro Fusion e-discovery and legal hold workflow management solution suite.

Today’s legal departments must communicate effectively with both custodians and IT managers in order to effectively scope and implement litigation holds and conduct collection tasks. The unified legal and IT approach provided by Exterro and Recommind, a predictive information management provider, enables companies to manage holds, precisely predict and scope discovery costs, determine early case strategy, streamline collections, eliminate rework and human error, and review and produce less data.

Exterro Fusion simplifies the process of creating a legal hold, identifying custodians and data, and issuing notifications. The result is a solution that provides the collaboration, automation, and usability required to provide a defensible approach to meeting today's complex litigation needs. Integration with Recommind’s Axcelerate ECA & Collection wraps in the legal process, including preservation, collection, ECA, processing, review and production needed to manage the legal hold process and control costs from end to end. Exterro Fusion discovery workflow monitors progress and completes the legal process loop.